ERA Case Study
Revolutionizing Employeee Retirement Administration
Employee Administration
ERA, Grapevine Solutions Employee Retirement Administration product is a unique solution that enables Payroll, HR & Pensions Administration staff to automatically calculate and generate employee Benefit Statements.
Example of ERA Dashboard Display
Grapevine Solutions' ERA is a groundbreaking Employee Retirement Administration tool that streamlines the generation of employee Benefit Statements for Payroll, HR, and Pensions Administration teams.
Developed in partnership with senior Pension Administration professionals from An Post, Ireland's premier postal service, ERA facilitates the annual production of statements for all staff and ad-hoc statements for individuals.
Designed for organizations of any size, ERA ensures rapid, precise, and cost-effective generation of employee benefit statements. Its flexibility allows customization for varying pension calculation norms, statement styles, and integration with numerous payroll, HR, and pension platforms. With ERA, businesses can effortlessly comply with the mandatory pension regulations set by the Irish Pensions Board.
Product Features
Web Portal
Manage & administer employee retirement information
Role-based security with single sign-on or password Login
Calculation & Rules Engine
Automatic calculation of pension entitlements based on pre-defined rules
Electronic Benefit Statements
Benefit statements are created in PDF format
Statements are stored securely in ERA database, not on disk
Manage Employee Information
Actual & Notional Service
Pension Adjustment Orders
Statement Generation Wizard
Configure statement parameters
Calculate statement data
Export statement calculation information
Override statement calculations
Approve statement calculations
Generate benefit statement PDF documents
Publish benefit statements
Print benefit statements
Enquiry, Print and Export
Benefit statement history
Detailed calculation data
Employee payroll and HR information
System Configuration
Pensionable service codes
Pensionable allowance code
Actual & notional service codes
Employee status codes
Calculation parameters
Payroll, Pension & HR Interface
Interface to existing Payroll, Pension and HR systems
Real-time and scheduled interface options
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Case Studies
ERA Benefits
Meet Irish Pensions Board regulations effortlessly
Automate and simplify your statement generation
Connect in real-time with your existing Payroll, Pension, and HR systems.
Comprehensive employee retirement data at your fingertips